What to Expect From Your EasyPot Herbs

When you first start growing herbs in an EasyPot, you may have questions about what to expect. We’ve compiled some of the most common questions and answers to help set your expectations on when your herbs may sprout, how tall they’ll grow, and more.
How long will my herbs take to germinate?
Below are estimated time frames for herb seeds to germinate in your EasyPot. Remember, the care you provide can significantly impact these timeframes!
Average Germination Times for Herbs: 5-15 days
Some specific herbs:
- Basil: 5-7 days
- Cilantro: 7-10 days
- Mint: 10-15 days
- Parsley: 14-21 days
- Thyme: 14-28 days

Average Harvest Times
Most herbs grown in EasyPot will be ready for their first harvest in about 21-28 days after germination. However, it’s best to wait until the plant has at least 2-3 sets of true leaves before beginning to harvest.
How long do herbs typically last in an EasyPot?
Herbs grown in the EasyPot semi-hydroponic system typically have a longer lifespan compared to traditional soil growing. With proper care and regular harvesting, most herbs can last 3-6 months. Some hardy herbs like basil can last even longer with regular pruning and harvesting.
When herbs start to flower (called bolting) or develop woody stems, this is often a sign that the plant is nearing the end of its life cycle. However, regular harvesting can delay this process and extend the plant’s productive life.
How tall will my herbs grow?
The height of your herbs will depend on the specific variety and how frequently you harvest them. Here’s a general guide:
Herb Heights:
- Tall (20-30 cm) [8-12 inches]: Basil (most varieties), Dill, Cilantro
- Medium (15-20 cm) [6-8 inches]: Mint, Oregano, Sage, Rosemary
- Short (10-15 cm) [4-6 inches]: Thyme, Chives, Parsley
Remember, regular pruning and harvesting can help maintain your herbs at a manageable height and promote bushier growth.
Tips for Successful Herb Growing in EasyPot
- Light Management: Ensure your herbs receive the full 12 hours of light from the EasyPot’s LED system daily.
- Water Level: Keep an eye on the water level indicator and refill as necessary to ensure consistent hydration.
- Nutrient Application: Follow the provided instructions for adding nutrients to your EasyPot system. Proper nutrition is key to healthy, flavorful herbs.
- Harvesting: Begin harvesting your herbs once they have 2-3 sets of true leaves. Regular harvesting encourages bushier growth and can extend the plant’s productive life.
- Pruning: For tall herbs like basil, pinch off the top sets of leaves regularly to encourage branching and prevent flowering.
- Cleaning: Regularly clean the water tank to prevent any build-up and maintain a healthy growing environment.
By following these guidelines and tips, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a bountiful herb harvest from your EasyPot. Happy growing!